I forgot…but should I Still Send That Birthday Card?

These days time passes us by with the blink of an eye.  Being too busy with work, school, family, just life in general – it happens to the best of us.  In fact we get so caught up in day to day that we even forget special occasions, like a loved ones Birthday.  There’s usually an inner debate in your mind, wondering…should I still send a belated Birthday card?  The answer is absolutely send one out!

These days there are so many options for those who need to send out late Birthday wishes.  You can totally make a joke about it, if the recipient has a great sense of humor. You could also be completely sincere incase the person gets offended easily. Actually, I find the belated birthday cards usually are the funniest!  If you choose to take a serious, more apologetic approach for your temporary forgetfulness, you can always write a personal message that has some humor. The best of both worlds!

Regardless if you forgot a friend’s, coworker’s or a family member’s special day, you will definitely win some points back by sending out a belated Birthday card.  Just like the saying goes, “Better late than never!”

Anniversary Card Your Way to Great Employee Relations

Cards are a great morale booster for your employees. Imagine how productive people are when they are happy. Now imagine how successful sending Anniversary cards on the start date of employment to your company will be to boosting morale. A great investment in your company is to have a cheerful and productive employee base.

In this age, how refreshing would it be to present an atmosphere of interest in the comings and goings of your employees. They are not just a number in your organization but rather an important asset to hold onto in the ever changing world of business.

When you give anniversary cards at work that are signed by the President, manager, and supervisor, a feeling of belonging to a great organization will be the immediate result. One of the greatest morale boosters a company can have is caring for their employees. It tells a person that they are recognized in a personal way and valued as a member of the company. Follow up the anniversary card with a personal visit and a congratulations and you have just hit a home run. How fabulous to work for a company where you can feel appreciated.

Happy Anniversary to you and many more years of great employee relations!

Why Should I Use Die-Cut Christmas Cards?

Ordering holiday cards for your business seems like a fairly simple thing to do until it comes down to choosing a design. You need a holiday card design that stands for your business. Having your company name on the front of the card is a great way to showcase your company along with an eye-catching holiday design.

Die-cut Christmas cards are the perfect way to display your name on the front of the card without actually printing your name on the front of the card. Die-cut Christmas cards have an elegant window cut out of the front of the card so that you can print the business.

Pablo Neruda said that the eyes are the windows to the soul. If that is the case, then die-cut Christmas cards are the windows to high quality business names and joyous holiday seasons. Everything looks nicer with windows. Picture your house. Now picture your house without any windows. It wouldn’t be nearly as beautiful.

By using a die-cut card design, your business name will be the steady foundation that unites the inside and cover design of your holiday cards. Clients, friends, and family alike will be awed by the warmth and professionalism of the holiday cards that they receive and forever associate that with your business.

Why Branding Is Important To A Successful Business

As a small business, you may be competing against big brands with dedicated customers and limitless marketing budgets. That’s why you have to find ways to differentiate with a solid brand building process of your own.

We all know the Nike tagline: Just Do It. But do you know their mission statement? Nike’s mission is: “To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world”. You could see their mission everywhere. They focus on all types of athletes using Nike products to be try and help them be their best selves.

Do you remember Apple’s slogan back in 1997-2002? It was “Think Different”. This notion continues to exist, today. It is obviously not just another computer company. One of their key qualities is clean design, and a key benefit is ease of use. From unique packaging to their announcement events, Apple always reminds customers that its products can be used right out of the box.

Customers aren’t looking for another cookie-cutter company offering the same thing as everyone else. They are looking for an experience tailored to their needs, backed by sincere personal contact. Wouldn’t you want your company to be considered classy, professional and prepared?

This is what The Gallery Collection’s mission has been for many decades. The company strives to provide the best quality products that will leave a lasting impression on business partners, clients, or family; you name it. Whether it’s staying prepared for a business meeting with Presentation Folders or staying in touch by sending a Greeting Card, the Gallery Collection is there to help you achieve just that.

Tips For Appropriately Closing a Business Greeting Card

When it comes to greeting cards, the most challenging part has already been done for you. The greeting and illustration is complete, now all you need to do is sign the greeting card. This is where it gets tricky because this sends a message to the receiver of how you feel personally.

Its always challenging trying to figure out how to close a greeting card. You think of all the possible salutations you can choose and still you can’t decide which is best. Is it too casual or too personal or if it just doesn’t fit what the body of the letter gives off.

Since it’s a business greeting card, this is where it gets confusing. Your sending this to people you rarely see or interact with on daily basis. So what can you say? Keep it professional at all times but not too stiff like “Sincerely” might too formal.

I think “best wishes” is perfect and “all the best” works good also. Both are equally acceptable. If it’s a client you plan on speaking to soon, you could always go with “speak with you soon.” You could also use “looking forward” as an ending. Another way, is to end it with the type of card it is like “Merry Christmas!” or “Happy Thanksgiving.” There are really so many options.

Should I Send a Get Well or Thinking of You Card?

I think the rule of thumb when deciding to send a Get Well Card or Thinking of You Card is the level of illness of the recipient. So, if the patient is sure to recover I would send a Get Well Card followed up with a Thinking of You card later. If the patient is terminal, sending a Get Well Card is thoughtless and cruel so I would send a Thinking of You Card.

Let’s say you don’t know the degree of the patient’s condition but you want to send a card to let them know you care and you want to boost their spirits. Sending a Thinking of You Card or a Get Well Cards with subtle message like “Wishing you the Best” are options. Also, if the card has a preprinted greeting-read it!-if the sentiment offers prayers during a difficult time and the patient has a broken finger, may be overkill.

It is difficult to know the right words to write in a Get Well or Thinking of You card, here are some suggestions:

  • I am so sorry to hear you’ve been ill.
  • I’m wishing you the very best during your recovery
  • I hope you’re doing well and are on the road to recovery.
  • And my favorite, You are in my thoughts/prayers.

What not to do is also important as:

  • Don’t compare illnesses – not a great idea
  • Do not tell stories you heard about the hospital, doctor or your Aunt Jane who had sort of the same thing…

Showing someone compassion is a virtue which should be admired.

Millennials and Greeting Cards on the Rise

Millennials, also known as Generation Y or Gen Y, are the demographic cohort following Generation X and preceding Generation Z. Researchers and popular media typically use the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years.

Millennials are choosing to buy more paper greeting cards over social media and texts. They have learned to appreciate a more personal connection and creative side. Greeting cards today offer digital wizardry if you can’t draw a stick figure and give you the opportunity to choose from pre-made templates and add digital photos.

It’s an old fashioned callback to a more intimate experience. Standing in the drugstore and choosing that particular wording that expresses how you feel. Pops of color and even pop-ups jump from the card to give you a big hug. It’s a keepsake, but it’s also an expression of whatever sentiment you’re trying to convey.

Why Successful Companies Send New Year Cards

Your customers & clients are the bread and butter of your company. Valued vendors create a backbone of support and reliability. Successful companies know the value in winding down a rewarding year – and paving the way for the next – by sending  quality New Year cards to everyone on their list.

New Year cards provide the opportunity to do 3 things; Thank your customers and vendors for the role they play in your business, Wish them a successful year ahead and, as an ‘end of the season’ gesture, you’ll also be leaving a fresh and lasting impression certain to translate into good will (and potential business) well into the new year.

A Happy New Year card acknowledges the on-going relationship – one of mutual benefit and shared success into the New Year and beyond. Sending a premium New Year card like those available at The Gallery Collection speaks volumes about how you see – and value – that relationship. It will be appreciated and remembered.

Choose from a wide variety of designs to fit the tone you want to present, from the classic look of Sparkling New Year to ‘New Years Eve’ bright and bold Prism . Celebrate with New Year Fireworks or toast the old and new with a little Bubbly.

Let the style suit your business and your taste but be sure you do take the time to send an end of the year reminder – and thank you – to your valued connections. It’s a gesture sure to have ongoing rewards.

Why should my Business send Holiday Cards?

Sending Holiday cards to your customer, vendors and employees is a necessary for any business.  The extra expense of these tokens of gratitude will prove worthwhile in the end.  It is an advertising method that has been around for years with proven success.

Your customers and clients will appreciate that you are thinking of them during the holidays.  It is a show of appreciate for their business and will inspire them to continue working with you in the future.  Holiday cards show to your customers that their business is valued. 

Vendors that you deal with daily or monthly basis will also see that they are on your mind when they receive their holiday cards.  This could result in better discounts on future orders or maybe other perks such as free samples.

As for your personnel, any employee acknowledgement always leads to a more successful company.  Happy employees make for a better bottom-line.  The holiday season is the perfect time to thank them for all their hard work and effort.  I suggest you mail these cards to their households.  Getting a sign of gratitude such a holiday card mailed to their home will truly make them feel special.

Holiday greeting cards will result in only positive feedback from all of your recipients.

The Benefits of Custom Greeting Cards

Custom greeting cards are perfect for every business. No matter what line of work you are in, you have at least 100 customers or clients that deserve a custom printed greeting card from you or your business. I have read some marketing facts that show it costs 10 times less to keep a current customer than it does to get a new one.  This is the benefit of custom greeting cards. It also shows your appreciation to your current customers or clients in a very inexpensive way and it preserves your ongoing business relationships.

By the way, custom greeting cards are wonderful for personal use as well. The greeting cards are excellent for birthdays, holidays, or any special life occurrences. Custom greeting cards really touch the hearts of the people you send them out to.  In our world of faceless electronic communication it has become very important that we reach our customers in a memorable way.

Whether I send out a single greeting card or a few, say for a holiday, I almost always receive emails and text messages thanking me for the greeting card I that sent.  When I receive this kind of feedback I become more aware of the impact I created. One positive is that I have made someone smile and be happy, so I feel good too!

Another positive is that my greeting card has physically been opened and read, I wonder about emails we all send, sometimes it is just easier to hit “delete all”.  There is no question in my mind that my card will be placed somewhere in their home or office, for quite a while.